Property Claims and Insurance Disputes

Property Claims and Insurance Disputes

Florida is known for its natural disasters such as hurricanes and tropical storms.  These storms are often powerful and may cause intense damage to your home and personal possessions.  You may also be the victim of burst pipes, fire, sinkholes, theft, roof damage, and/or tile damage. These damages can sometimes make your house temporarily uninhabitable and can be expensive to repair.  To add insult to injury, your insurance company more than likely will not offer enough money to compensate you for your damages. Insurance companies are known to undervalue property damage claims, conducting inadequate investigations to save money, and sometimes just simply delay the handling of your claim.   

We strongly suggest that you seek legal counsel before signing any documents are accepting any compensation from your insurance company, no matter how urgent the matter may seem.  This is extremely important in situations where the settlement offer is less than what it takes to make the necessary repairs to your home.